
When you click on a link to a Download a file it will take you to a twitter status, Frankie Music, their will be a link on the status, if you click this it will bring you to an ad page, wait 5 seconds and in the right top hand corner it will say skip ad, wait 5 secs and skip ad.  Then you will be diverted to Castle.So, if the file is still active a Blue button in the center of the page will display Download, click this and you file will download.

Please Note: Frankie's status's are nothing to do with us so if he removes or deletes the file or twitter do then simply request from him by @ him or too little too late im afraid. Also if the status is protected you may have to sign up to twitter and send Frankie a follow request.

Removing Adverts
Ok also on the site you may see an ad One as at the bottom of the page like so...

Firstly this ad can be closed, in the top right hand corner of the ad it has a close button, simple. Why is it there though, well for a few reasons, one for Revenue, not much but a little, towards site establishment for the future and to better you FM experience. Also to help us increase are numbers, by us advertising for them they are advertising our site on some of there ads which is a plus for us making us bigger.

Hope The Following Instructions Helped